List of the recognized Grand Lodges
- ALB Grand Lodge of Albania
- AUT Grand Lodge of Austria, A.F.&A.M.
- BEL The Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium
- BRG United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria
- BIH The Grand Lodge of Bosnia & Herzegovina
- CHE The Alpine Grand Lodge of Switzerland
- CYP The Grand Lodge of Cyprus, A.F.&A.M.
- CZE The Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic
- DEU The United Grand Lodges of Germany
- DEU / BY American Canadian Grand Lodge AF & AM (ACGL) within UGL Germany
- ESP The Grand Lodge of Spain
- FRA The National Grand Lodge of France
- GBR The United Grand Lodge of England
- GBR The Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Scotland
- GRC The Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F.&A.M.
- GEO United Grand Lodge of Georgia
- HRV The Grand Lodge of Croatia
- HUN The Grand Lodge of Hungary
- IRL The Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M., of Ireland
- ISR The Grand Lodge of the State of Israel, A.F.&A.M.
- ITA The Grand Orient of Italy
- LTU The Grand Lodge of Lithuania, A.F.&A.M.
- LVA The Grand Lodge of Latvia
- MCO The National Regular Grand Lodge of the Principality of Monaco
- MKD The Grand Lodge of Macedonia
- MLT The Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta, F.&A.M.
- MNE The Grand Lodge of Montenegro
- NLD The Grand East of the Netherlands
- PRT The Legal Grand Lodge of Portugal
- ROU The National Grand Lodge of Romania
- RUS The Grand Lodge of Russia
- SRB The Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia
- SVN The Grand Lodge of Slovenia
- TUR The Grand Lodge of Turkey
- UKR The Grand Lodge of The Ukraine, A.F.&A.M.
- IND The Grand Lodge of India
- JPN / TOK The Grand Lodge of Japan, F.&A.M.
- KAZ The Grand Lodge of Kazakhstan
North America
- CAN / NB The Grand Lodge of Manitoba, A.F.&A.M.
- CAN / NL The Grand Lodge of Newfoundland & Labrador, A.F.&A.M.
- CAN / QC The Grand Lodge of Quebec, A.F.&A.M.
- CUB The Grand Lodge of Cuba, A.F.&A.M.
- USA / CA The Grand Lodge, F.&A.M., of California
- USA / DC The Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M., of the District of Columbia
- USA / DC The MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia F.&A.M.
- USA / FL The Grand Lodge, F.&A.M., of Florida
- USA / IA The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of Iowa
- USA / KY The Grand Lodge, F.&A.M., of Kentucky
- USA / MD The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of Maryland
- USA / MN The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of Minnesota
- USA / MO The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of Missouri
- USA / NC The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of North Carolina
- USA / NY The Grand Lodge, F.&A.M., of New York
- USA / PA The Grand Lodge, F.&A.M., of Pennsylvania
- USA / RI The Grand Lodge, F.&A.M., of Rhode Island
- USA / TN The Grand Lodge, F.&A.M., of Tennessee
- USA / VA The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of Virginia
- USA / WV The Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M., of West Virginia
South America
- BRA The Grand Orient of Brazil
- BRA / ES Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Espírito Santo
- BRA / SP The Grand Lodge of the State of São Paulo
- BRA / SP The Grand Orient of Paulista
- CHL The Grand Lodge of Chile, A.F.&A.M.
- PRY / 19 The Symbolic Grand Lodge of Paraguay